Frequently Asked Questions

Club FAQs

How does the club communicate with members?

Communication is primarily done from Stack TeamApp.  Download the App from the App Store and search for Malvern Baseball Club and request access to the appropriate groups (once you have been allocated to a team)

All details relating to training, games, other club activities are posted through TeamApp so please make sure you are registered.  If you are having difficulty downloading or getting access, please speak to your team manager. 

Download to your mobile device:

Android Google Play - TeamApp

Apple Store - Team App 

When is the baseball season?

The Summer baseball season runs from early October until March with a 4–5-week break over the Christmas/New Year period.  Pre-season training begins in September.  Game dates and locations will be communicated through TeamApp and team managers as soon as they are available.

How much does it cost to register?

Fees have two components: Club Fees and Baseball Victoria Fees.

Costs vary by which team you register for.

Tee-ball is free!

Malvern Club fees range from $220 - $360 for the 2024/25 season. Baseball Victoria fees are similar.

All coaches, volunteers, committee members and umpires need to be registered, no fees are involved for volunteers.

Do you provide equipment?

Yes, we can provide basic equipment to new players for training sessions, but players are encouraged to bring their own gear.

Are there programs for beginners?

Absolutely. We offer programs tailored for beginners, focusing on basic skills and introduction to the game.

How do I register?

Registration has two components: Malvern Club registration and Baseball Victoria registration.

Baseball Victoria Registration 

Malvern Braves Registration

All players MUST be registered with fees paid prior to the commencement of the season.  No exceptions, players will not be able to take the field unless they are registered.  

Registration for Malvern is via TeamApp using the link above, then selecting the team 'product' corresponding to your team section.

Baseball Victoria, our governing body, registration fees provide general insurance coverage, without which we are not able to operate.

How are players assigned to teams?

Players are allocated to a team based on age and skill level.  All teams are announced prior to commencement of the season when team managers and coaches have been appointed.  

Players may have the opportunity to play on multiple teams in a given week, as well as be promoted and relgated based on their progress.

How do I get a uniform?

Uniforms can be purchased through the store on TeamApp.

Uniforms are distributed on collection nights which are communicated through Team App.  Limited items can also be purchased through the canteen.

 Juniors are required to wear a junior playing jersey, blue Malvern hat, white pants and football/soccer boots (although runners are also acceptable).

Baseball pants can be purchased from several stores.

Ausport – 11 Rushdale St, Knoxfield VIC 3180
K2 – 41 Gilbert Drive, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Fielders Choice. – Unit 9/35 Dunlop Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170

We will hold a used uniform & equipment sale at the start of the season. Watch TeamApp for details!

When is training?

Training- In Season (refer to separate pre-season training schedule)

Tuesdays    5pm-6.30pm
   U12 – Rookie Teams 

Wednesdays  5:30pm-7pm
   Women's & Masters   

Thursdays   5pm-6.30pm
   U12 State, U14s & U16s

Thursdays   6pm-8pm
   U19s & Seniors

(While there is no 'training' for Tee ball, it is also held Tuesday nights from 5.15pm – 6.15pm, start date TBC. )

What about the weather?

In the event of extreme weather, cancellations will be communicated through TeamApp and/or team managers as soon as possible.

We strictly adhere to weather rules for heat, rain, lightning and other hazards to ensure a safe playing environment, as set out in the baseball playing conditions.

How do I contribute to the club?

We are a community-run club relying on volunteers and parent assistance to operate. 

This can range from field set-up, staffing the canteen for home games, scoring games, umpiring, managing a team, or helping with social events. It also makes the club a more fun place to be!

The canteen is our major source of revenue, and ALL members and parents of our junior players are expected to assist in the canteen at least once throughout the season.  Training is provided.  Your Team Manager will help you with the canteen roster.

What is Tee Ball?

Tee-ball is for the littlees! If they can swing a stick and walk, they're ready!

Our Tee-ball program focuses on fun and play, while teaching some basic skills. Kids use a modified bat to hit a small ball propped on a 'tee'.

It runs concurrently while the U12 Rookies are training, making it convenient for younger siblings.

What is Little League?

Little League is for U12s who are learning or just interested in having fun. It's the perfect way to learn.

Little League A and B teams are allocated by skill level, and play on Friday evenings, 6pm-7.30pm, with warm up from 5pm. Malvern is part of the Eastern Athletics Charter, with game locations rotating between Malvern, Blackburn, Doncaster, Waverley and Melbourne clubs.

Players who excel may also have the opportunity to play in the more competitive Little League Majors or U12 Senior League teams.

When are the junior games played?

Juniors play either Friday evenings (Little League Minors), Saturday mornings (Big League U19), or Sunday mornings (U12-16). Games are limited to 90 minutes.

Competition                   2024/25 Season Times
Little League Minor      Fridays 6pm-7:30pm
Little League Major       Sundays 11:05 am – 12:35 pm
Junior League                 Sundays 8:45 am – 10:45 am
Senior League                 Sundays 8:45 am – 10:45 am
Senior League 13/14     Sundays 11:05 am – 12:35 pm
Big League (U19)           Saturdays 11:05 am – 12:35 pm


Games are played either at Malvern (home), or (away) at one of the rival clubs' grounds in Melbourne. 

What are the junior ages?

League Age will be calculated using the Little League International Age Matrix with an August 31 cut off.  i.e. Players age at 31-August 2024.

Division                        League Age Range
Little League Minors           7 – 11*
Little League Majors            9 – 12
Senior League 70                12 – 14
Senior League 80                12 – 15
Senior League 90                13 – 16
Big League                            17 – 19*

(*Some leeway possible)

When is pre-season training?

Pre-Season Training Starts this Sunday 15th-Sept.

   U12’s – 10am – 11.30am
   U14s & U16s 12pm -1.30pm
   Seniors   2pm-4pm

Tuesday and Thursdays:
   Seniors 5.30pm-7.30pm (early work from 5pm)

   Women’s   6-8pm

When are senior games played?

Seniors play afternoons either Saturdays or Sundays, with occasional Tuesday evening games for our Premier 1s & 2s.

Competition       2024/25 Season Times
Senior  1sts         Saturdays 4pm - 6pm, Tuesdays 6:15pm - 8:15pm
Senior  2nds       Saturdays 1:30pm – 3:30pm
Senior  3rds        Sundays 4pm - 6pm
Senior  4ths        Sundays  1:30pm – 3:30pm
Senior   5ths       Sundays  1:30pm – 3:30pm
Women's             Saturdays 11am – 12:30pm
Masters 45+       Mondays 6pm - 7:30pm


Games are played either at Malvern (home), or (away) at one of the rival clubs' grounds in Melbourne. 

Is this an American club?

Yeah, nah, mate.

While there are a handful of Americans in the club, the vast majority of members are Australian - which is pretty much the case with baseball clubs across Australia. (Yes, we'll accept Kiwis and Cannucks, too.)

While the game originated in America, the Malvern Baseball Club was founded in 1898. We have a proud and rich Australian history.

That said, if you're an expat of any flavour, stop on by and check us out!

Are dogs welcome at the club?

Of course! We love dogs and usually have a water dish out for our four-legged braves! Many members will bring their dogs down for games and training.

To keep them safe, as well as our players, we need to keep them off the fields when there is a game or training. We hope dog owners and walkers understand that allowing your dog onto an active sports ground - soccer, AFL, cricket, tennis or baseball - is really poor form.

How do I 'learn' baseball??

Easy! Come on down!

We'll take you through the basics, and gleefully talk your ear off all day!

We can also point you to a lot of resources, depending on your preferred learning style & background. Watching games on Youtube isn't a bad way to start. We also have many members/parents that are happy to answer questions or provide 1:1 coaching while watching a game.

There is truly NO experience necessary. 

How old is too old to play baseball?

Pfft. Ask Minaru, one of our oldest active members. He's somewhere north of 70 and still plays 1-2 games a week.

If you're worried about injury, we know several physios who play the sport that we can recommend for a consultation.

Do I need to buy equipment? How expensive is it?

Basically, you just need a glove. We can usually provide them for juniors just starting out. Larger gloves are occasionally available for older players.

You can wear runners, but we really recommend footy boots, soccer cleats or proper baseball cleats.

Depending on the team, the club provides bats, balls, batting helmets, protective catcher's gear and catcher's mitt.

Like any sport, you'll probably be more comfortable with your own equipment as you progress, but there's lots of used items available for resale within the club as well as Gumtree & eBay.

When you're ready, you can buy new stuff from our local suppliers listed below.

Note that you will need to pay registration fees and purchase a uniform, too. Baseball pants can be purchased from several stores. (These are described in detail in other FAQs.)

We also have an annual used uniform sale.

Ausport – 11 Rushdale St, Knoxfield VIC 3180
K2 – 41 Gilbert Drive, Knoxfield VIC 3180
Fielders Choice. – Unit 9/35 Dunlop Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170

Join Malvern Baseball Club

Play baseball at Sir Zelman Cowen Park. Become part of our community.
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